Volume 12 Issue 12
Examining the Effectiveness and Applications of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Anxiety Disorders
1Hina Habeeb, 2Dr Abdus Salam, 3Muhammad Rahat Shah, 4Umar Ali, 5Mansoor Ali, 6Babar Shahzad, 7Kamran Safdar
1Lecturer University of Swabi
2Assistant Professor Psychology Department of Business Administration Iqra National University Peshawar.
3BS psychology, Department of Psychology University of Swabi
4PIMS Islamabad
5UHS Lahore
6PIMS Islamabad
7UHS Lahore
Background: Anxiety disorders are part of the common mental disorders suffered by a large part of the population in different parts of the world. In particular, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been identified as an effective treatment model these disorders owing to its versatility as a manual based approach aimed at altering negative cognitive processes and behavioral patterns.
Aim: The present study’s objectives are to provide a systematic qualitative and quantitative analysis of the efficacy of CBT in different forms of anxiety disorders such as GAD, PD, SAD, and SP.
Methods: To determine the relevant works, the systematic review technique was used by searching the electronic databases. Sample selection criteria were primarily related to the outcome being based on CBT and centered on such measures as effect size and statistical method. Quality assessment was also administered to increase the rigor of the data analysis procedures.
Results: Investigations highlighted strong proof that CBT helps in managing GAD, Panic Disorder, SAD and specific phobia. Review studies synthesizing meta-analysis reported on the reduction of the severity of the symptoms of all the analysed forms of anxiety disorders and the improvement of clinical outcomes. Meta-analyses highlighted how CBT outperformed other treatments, with better results for the patients.
Conclusion: Thus, the present research can be considered as a strong support for the claims about the effectiveness of CBT as a first-line treatment for the range of anxiety disorders. The studies presented stress the importance of implementing CBT in clinical practice to improve the patients’ well-being and individualized methods.
Keywords: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Anxiety Disorders, Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, Treatment Effectiveness.